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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Publication on Fuzzy by others

  1. “Experiences with Model Inference Assisted Fuzzing” by Viide et al. at WOOT 2008:
  2. “Fuzz by number” by Charlie Miller at CanSecWest 2008:
  3. “Fuzzing WTF?” by Mikko Varpiola and Nate Kube at CanSecWest 2008:
  4. “Fuzzing the Security Perimeters” by Ari Takanen at CSI-SX:
  5. “Fuzzing(ファジング)について” (Japanese translation) by Ari Takanen:

  1. “Revolutionizing the Field of Grey-box Attack Surface Testing with Evolutionary Fuzzing” by Jared DeMott at Blackhat 2007:
  2. “Real World Fuzzing” by Charlie Miller at ToorCon 2007:

  1. “The Art of SIP fuzzing and Vulnerabilities Found in VoIP” by Mikko Varpiola at Blackhat 2005:
  2. “Fuzz Revisited” presentation by Barton Miller:
  3. “Fuzzing” by Ilja van Sprundel:

  1. “Robustness testing - black-box testing for software security” by Ari Takanen at CERIAS: MP4

  1. “PROTOS - systematic approach to eliminate software vulnerabilities” presentation at Microsoft by Röning, Laakso, Takanen, Kaksonen:
  2. “Vulnerabilities go mobile” by Varpiola and Laakso at AusCERT Asia Pacific Information Technology Security Conference 2002:

  1. “Software Security Assessment through Specification Mutations and Fault Injection” by Kaksonen, Laakso and Takanen at CMS 2001:

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Somewhere, Selangor, Malaysia
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