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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Innovating innovation

NATICK, Mass.–"The pace of innovation in industry is just mind-boggling."
So says Arun Mulpur, industry marketing manager with Mathworks here, and he's in a position to know. Mathworks software tools (Matlab and Simulink) are used to try to manage and, in some cases, accelerate that innovation.
Often, a phrase, such as the "pace of innovation is quickening" and so on, becomes a tired marketing crutch that is used to bolster the classic FUD factor in pitching "the" solution to whatever problem a company has.
Check out the video by Arun Mulpur @

Monday, January 30, 2012

Carberp Malware a Dangerous New Threat to Financial Information

Carberp, not a pretty name but a fitting one for an ugly little piece of malware, is now popping up dangerously in computers around the world. This week it attacked Facebook users in Europe and was discovered on a French ISP service provider Free’s Web site.
While inheriting some of its DNA from malware programs such as Zeus, another Trojan Horse that counted logging keystrokes among its many ploys to capture data, Carberp is far more sophisticated, according to experts.
Read the full article regarding this 'young and dangerous' malware at Tech Security Today.

Nominations to Serve on the Executive Council of ISOC MY

The Malaysia Chapter of the Internet Society's (ISOC-MY) Executive Council (EC) is accepting nominations and applications from candidates interested in serving on the ISOC-MY’s EC.

The complete list of nominees will be published to the list after confirmation of their willingness to serve. The newly seated EC members are to serve a term of one year beginning May 1, 2012.

After the elections, the new ISOC-MY EC will then vote to determine the seats of Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary, Treasurer and other officers as needed.

The ISOC-MY chapter serves by promoting the core values of the Internet Society. The chapter is affiliated with the Internet Society. ISOC is a non-profit organization founded in 1992 to provide leadership in Internet related standards, education, and policy. With offices in Washington, DC, USA, and Geneva, Switzerland, it is dedicated to ensuring the open development, evolution and use of the Internet for the benefit of people throughout the world.

EC members are also expected to allocate time to attend and prepare for meetings, including a monthly EC online and/or face-to-face meeting which lasts generally 2 hours. 

Eligible candidates for the ISOC-MY EC should have great interest in Internet development, or Internet use by the public as well as businesses, particularly in the areas of standards, public policy, marketing, management, events, outreach and membership. Ideally, candidates should also have a good understanding of technology, policy, community, business and/or economics.

The following qualifications are highly desirable but not mandatory:

  • Previous Board experience or organizational leadership experience
  • Skills in business management and leadership
  • Ability to raise funds for non-profit organizations
  • Non-profit experience
  • Experience and ability in outreach and networking
  • The ability to identify relevant ISOC projects and obtain funds or other resources to accomplish them
  • Vision for the role of the Malaysia Internet Society Chapter
  • Candidates should be active members of the Malaysia Chapter of the Internet Society or be willing to seek membership, and support or encourage chapter member led projects.

Nominations can only be made by members registered as members on and/or before the 15th of January, 2012. Timeline Nominations are due 16th March, 2012 and should be sent to the Nominations Committee via email
Nominations, self-nominations, and suggestions of possible candidates are all welcomed. Please be sure to include with nominations a Statement of Interest and a post your Resume or one-page narrative Bio with email contact information of the nominee on your member page.

Details is at

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hackers In The Box Conferences - HITB2012AMS

3rd annual HITBSecConf in Europe is closing soon! If you haven't already registered, you are strongly encouraged to do so as soon as possible!  


Taking place from the 21st till the 25th of May, this year's conference moves to an all new, bigger and better venue -- the award winning Okura Hotel! #HITB2012AMS will be a quad-track conference featuring keynote speakers Andy Ellis (Chief Security 
Officer, Akamai) and Bruce Schneier (Chief Security Technology Officer, BT)!

The event will also feature a brand new attack and defense Capture the Flag game aptly called "BankOverflow" run by the CTF Crew in collaboration with the OWASP Netherlands team!

In addition to all this, there will also be a new CommSec Village -- an area aiming to bring together not only the various Benelux hackerspaces, but also participation from the open source communities (Ubuntu, OWASP, Mozilla, Gentoo etc) alongside the usual Lock Picking Village run by members from and of course the HITB SIGINT sessions - 15 minute talks held during the coffee and lunch breaks with a focus on highlighting up and c
oming research and researchers.

Virus infects worm by mistake

New malware morphs into different shapes unattended by humans
Ten years ago, there was a clear-cut distinction between Trojans, viruses and worms. They all had their own features specific to one family of malware only. As more people connected to the internet, cyber-criminals started mixing ingredients to maximize impact. And here I’m thinking Trojans with worm capabilities or viruses withTrojan features, and so on.

Continue reading the article at

and analysis of the article at Security Affairs

Quantum Cryptography - Patent and Technology Report - Key players, innovators and industry analysis

This report presents a brief introduction to Quantum Cryptography and related technologies available for securing quantum communication. Quantum Cryptography, utilizing unintuitive Laws of Quantum mechanics provides us a theoretically sound and interesting Cryptographic Methodology for future communication system. 

Get the full detail at Research & Market

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Latest Journal Impact Factors - By Elsevier

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Latest Impact Factors

The latest Impact Factor figures for Elsevier's Computer Science journals have just been released and highlights include...
journal cover imageMedical Image Analysis
2009 Impact Factor

2010 Impact Factor

impact factor bar-chart
journal cover imagePattern Recognition
2009 Impact Factor

2010 Impact Factor

impact factor bar-chart
journal cover imageComputer Vision And Image Understanding
2009 Impact Factor

2010 Impact Factor

impact factor bar-chart
journal cover imageNeural Networks
2009 Impact Factor

2010 Impact Factor

impact factor bar-chart
journal cover imageElectronic Commerce Research And Applications
2009 Impact Factor

2010 Impact Factor

impact factor bar-chart
Listed by highest Impact Factor
Journal title2010 Impact Factor
Information Sciences2.833
Web Semantics2.789
Artificial Intelligence2.511
Future Generation Computer Systems2.365
International Journal of Medical Informatics2.244
Applied Soft Computing Journal2.084
Expert Systems With Applications1.924
Fuzzy Sets And Systems1.875
Data & Knowledge Engineering1.717
International Journal Of Approximate Reasoning1.679
Journal Of Computer And System Sciences1.631
Information Fusion1.606
International Journal Of Human-Computer Studies1.600
Information Systems1.595
Ad Hoc Networks1.592
Knowledge-Based Systems1.574
Microelectronic Engineering1.569
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine1.568
Computer-Aided Design1.542
Image And Vision Computing1.525
Information And Software Technology1.507
Computer Speech And Language1.353
Computational Geometry-Theory And Applications1.328
Robotics And Autonomous Systems1.313
Science Of Computer Programming1.282
Journal Of Systems And Software1.277
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine1.238
Pattern Recognition Letters1.213
Interacting With Computers1.192
Computer Networks-The International Journal Of Computer And Telecommunicati1.176
Performance Evaluation1.168
Computers in Biology and Medicine1.112
Parallel Computing1.086
Journal Of Parallel And Distributed Computing1.078
Journal Of Electrostatics1.078
Journal Of Visual Communication And Image Representation1.071
Microelectronics Reliability1.066
Cognitive System Research1.000
Optical Switching and Networking0.962
Computers & Security0.889
Computer Aided Geometric Design0.859
Theoretical Computer Science0.838
Journal Of Symbolic Computation0.838
Information And Computation0.825
Computer Standards & Interfaces0.825
Digital Investigation0.818
Computer Communications0.815
Graphical Models0.793
Microelectronics Journal0.787
Journal Of Complexity0.767
Computers & Graphics0.720
Journal Of Visual Languages And Computing0.667
Journal Of Systems Architecture0.667
Journal Of Algorithms0.667
Integration-The Vlsi Journal0.663
Journal Of Network And Computer Applications0.660
Information Processing Letters0.612
Microprocessors And Microsystems0.545
Computer Languages Systems & Structures0.541
Journal Of Logic And Algebraic Programming0.537
Journal Performance Measurements
Journal performance measurements offer a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate journals, and several indicators are available.

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* Journal Citation Reports®, published by Thomson Reuters, 2011

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Report on S&E employment

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Learn the Methodology for IPv6 Success


A message to all members of ISOC MALAYSIA Chapter

If you are having trouble reading this email, read the online version.
Presented by the IPv6 Center of Excellence and Hosted by Cricket Liu
Learn the Methodology for IPv6 Success
Reserve your spot, meet the team and learn strategies and guidelines

You've been introduced to IPv6. Now what? Learn what a phased, cross-functional approach can achieve and what you can do immediately to begin adopting IPv6. It's easier than you think!

Join Cricket Liu, an authority on DNS and renowned author of works including DNS and BIND on IPv6, as he brings a team of IPv6 experts together to present and discuss the best practices for IPv6 adoption in your network.
  • When is the best time to start IPv6 adoption in your organization?
  • Who needs to be part of the IPv6 team in your organization?
  • Will IPv6 replace IPv4 in my network?
  • How can I ensure that IPv6 will be supported by my network gear, servers, and workstations?
  • How many phases are required for a successful IPv6 adoption initiative?
  • Will automation and network virtualization require IPv6 adoption?
  • What is the cost of not adopting IPv6?
Participate in this global event in-person or online:
Click here to learn more and register

An iPad® 2 will be raffled away at each viewing party location and for each of the online sessions. A complimentary breakfast or lunch will also be provided at each party, depending on geographic location*.

*Terms and conditions apply.
See registration page for more information.
iPad 2

Event Details

January 25, 2012

6:30 a.m. EST (12:30 p.m. CET)
12:30 p.m. EST (9:30 a.m. PST)

Watch the live event online or at viewing parties in selected cities.

Register now

Tom Coffeen
IPv6 Evangelist with an extensive background in large-scale IP networks

Live Moderator and Host:
Cricket Liu
DNS authority and renowned author

Online Moderator:
Paul Ebersman
27 years of operational IP experience
© 2011 Infoblox Inc. All rights reserved.
Visit ISOC MALAYSIA Chapter at:

About Me

Somewhere, Selangor, Malaysia
An IT by profession, a beginner in photography


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