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Friday, December 9, 2011

Malaysian will force IT to be certified.. Is this good move?

OPEN DAT Board of Computing Professionals Malaysia (BPCM)
Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI) telah diberi tanggungjawab bagi mengendalikan penubuhan Lembaga Jurukomputer Malaysia (Board of Computing Professionals Malaysia - BPCM). Sehubungan dengan itu, pihak Sektretariat ingin mendapatkan pandangan dan cadangan daripada orang awam mengenai penubuhan BPCM. Satu sesi 'open day' akan diadakan mengikut ketetapan berikut:

Tarikh : 13 Disember 2011 (Selasa)
Masa : 9.30 pagi – 5.00 petang
Tempat : Dewan Perhimpunan
Aras 1, Blok C4, Kompleks C
Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi

Semua dijemput hadir.

Last Updated ( Friday, 09 December 2011 )
Taken from:

Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) has been given mandate to manage the formation of Board of Computing Professionals Malaysia (BPCM). For that reason, the secretariat wishes to get input, feedback, or comments from the public regarding BPCM. One open day session is arranged according to below:

Tarikh : 13 Disember 2011 (Selasa)
Masa : 9.30 pagi – 5.00 petang
Tempat : Dewan Perhimpunan
Aras 1, Blok C4, Kompleks C
Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi

What do I think:

1. Are we trying to follow what other professional such as Engineers, Lawyer, Accountant, and Doctors did? What is our purpose?
2. Does that is what currently being done in other countries such as US, UK, Europe, etc which more IT professionals living there? Why are we doing this?
3. How can this help our fresh graduates? Is there any issues causing us to propose such mechanism?

I can only seem more harm to IT professional especially malays IT professional. Believe me, there are many IT expert (malays especially) that does not have any certifications or even specialize training but being referred by many global company. And believe me, there are many expert with lots of certificates but only knows theory and get the certifications through reading but not through experiences. So what is the actual purpose of this body? Beside, I heard that you need to pay some fees to become the member (more fees and money.. not including your CISSP, EC, MVC, MVP, etc.. certificate that you need to maintain to certain extend)... and worst is that you need to be certified by that body before you can provide any IT services to malaysian company. Wow.. if that so, many bumiputera's or local company will definitely close their business.

What ever it is, lets find out next tuesday. Let us go there and share our thought.


masteramuk said...

Alan See • Summary of the CPB2011...
- To create a Professional Body for Computing Professionals.
- To make it mandatory for any individual who is dealing with the Computing Industry to be registered.
- Registration with the Professional Body will be regulated by a Committee, with fees involved.
- Dealing in the Computing Industry in Malaysia without being registered with the Professional Body will make the individual liable to a fine not exceeding RM20,000, or a six month jail term or both.
Taken from:

Anonymous said...

No wonder... they are trying to follow Singapore... and I bet that our top guys are just following them and the best is that there will be someone taking advantage or benefit but getting IT professional to register with them without doing nothing else (just imagine if IT pro's in malaysia are around 50K and each of them pays around RM100 per year.. that company will surely generate income around RM5M/yearly)... check it out news on Singapore's IT registration news

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Somewhere, Selangor, Malaysia
An IT by profession, a beginner in photography


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