5 personality of Innovators - Which ones are you?
Brenna Sniderman wrote an article on 5 personality of innovators. In summary, those are:
- Movers or Shakers
- Experimenters
- Star Pupil
- Controllers
- Hangers On
So which ones are you?
Check out this interesting article at Forbes (Online)
What to do when you are in 'black-out' mode?
Schlesinger, Kiefer, Brown wrote an article about how you can maneuver from being 'black-out' condition (simply don't know what to do) to a condition whereby you'll always know what next to be done. There are four steps listed by them and those steps are:
- Start with desire
- Take a smart step as quickly as you can towards your goal
- Reflect and build from what you have done from taking the step
- Continuous repetition of step 1 - 3
Read the full article at Harvard Business Review