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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chart with Flex SDK

Taken from Charts with the Flex SDK

I do a lot of work in both Flex Builder and with the Flex Module for Apache. For anyone who has been trying to figure out how to move your Flex Charting components over to the Apache Module (or mxmlc compiler), here’s a quick tutorial.

Note that $FLEX_HOME is the location of your Flex SDK install. Mine, for example, is “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex 2″.

1. Copy your charts.swc file from $FLEX_BUILDER_HOME/Flex SDK 2/frameworks/libs to $FLEX_HOME/frameworks/libs.

2. Locate your license key from Flex Builder. You can find this on the menu bar under Help > Manage Flex Licenses…

3. Edit $FLEX_HOME/frameworks/ and add the following line:


You can keep the dashes in the key. After that, restart your Apache instance and you’re good to go.


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Somewhere, Selangor, Malaysia
An IT by profession, a beginner in photography


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