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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Publish your paper at the first open access mega journal - IEEE Access

Dear Colleague,

IEEE, the world's largest professional association for the advancement of technology, is pleased to announce the debut of IEEE Access, the first open access mega journal in the growing IEEE open access publishing program. This multidisciplinary open access journal is an all-electronic archival publication focused on IEEE fields of interest with an emphasis on applications-oriented articles. IEEE Access will be discoverable via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library to millions of users worldwide.

You are invited to participate in this landmark event in engineering and technology by being among the first authors to submit an article to this exciting new publication.

Reasons to publish with IEEE Access:
  • Gain the advantage of being published by IEEE, whose journals are trusted, respected, and among the most highly cited in the fields of electrical and computer engineering
  • Vast global reach to millions who search IEEE Xplore, attend conferences, and conduct research in all technology sectors
  • Rapid, binary peer-review process that will either accept or reject a paper in the form it is submitted, resulting in articles of high interest to readers - original, technically correct, and clearly presented
  • Multimedia integration (video abstracts, etc.)
  • Each published article accompanied by usage and citation data
  • Convenient author-pays publishing model
  • Indexed and discoverable in Inspec, Ei Compendex, Scopus, Thomson WoS, EBSCOhost, and Google Scholar, among others
  • Published articles maintained in the IEEE archive with free full-text access to all
Learn more and be one of the first to submit an article to IEEE Access.

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Submit your paper

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Somewhere, Selangor, Malaysia
An IT by profession, a beginner in photography


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