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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Publish your paper at the first open access mega journal - IEEE Access

Dear Colleague,

IEEE, the world's largest professional association for the advancement of technology, is pleased to announce the debut of IEEE Access, the first open access mega journal in the growing IEEE open access publishing program. This multidisciplinary open access journal is an all-electronic archival publication focused on IEEE fields of interest with an emphasis on applications-oriented articles. IEEE Access will be discoverable via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library to millions of users worldwide.

You are invited to participate in this landmark event in engineering and technology by being among the first authors to submit an article to this exciting new publication.

Reasons to publish with IEEE Access:
  • Gain the advantage of being published by IEEE, whose journals are trusted, respected, and among the most highly cited in the fields of electrical and computer engineering
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New things come in - APIGEE, BIZTALK and WEBAPI

Today, new things come and my knowledge is added. Maybe I'm meant not to be a MASTER, but rather Jack of all threads....

I just learn about Microsoft BizTalk and how it works.. Although I don't really go deep into it, but when times needed, I'm pretty sure that I can do BizTalk.

Another knowledge added to my BOK (body of knowledge) is API using APIGEE and WEBAPI. It is a different perspective and game but it actually refers to one things... SIMPLIFIED development and bring the USER into the development process :).

Cheers and gears up...

Sunday, January 19, 2014

List of latest conferences as of Jan 2014

18 Jan 2014
Conference Alerts Monthly

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Mobile Marketing Strategies Summit: San Francisco 2014
11th February 2014
San Francisco, United States of America
Genomics & Sequencing Data Integration, Analysis and Visualization
13th February 2014
San Francisco, United States of America
National Conference on Information and Communication Engineering
24th February 2014
Kavaraipettai - 601206, India
21st March 2014
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
22nd March 2014
International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Networking - ACCN
12th April 2014
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
21st April 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
International Conference on Culture and Cultural policies
24th April 2014
Vienna, Austria
PR Summit
29th April 2014
London, United Kingdom
International Conference On Future Trends In Information and Communication Engineering - FTICE
3rd May 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
Friction! An Interdisciplinary Conference on Technology and Resistance
8th May 2014
Nottingham, UK, United Kingdom
30th May 2014
London, United Kingdom
International Conference on Media and Popular culture
30th May 2014
Vienna, Austria
31st May 2014
Budva - Montenegro, Serbia
2014 2nd International Conference on Computer and Business Management (ICCBM 2014)
2nd June 2014
London, United Kingdom
2014 3rd International Conference on Computing and Computer Vision (ICCCV 2014)
2nd June 2014
London, United Kingdom
2014 3rd International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (ICSCA 2014)
2nd June 2014
London, United Kingdom
2014 3rd International Conference on Computer Technology and Science (ICCTS 2014)
7th June 2014
Sarawak, Malaysia
2014 3rd International Conference on Database and Data Mining (ICDDM 2014)
7th June 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
2014 International Conference on Internet and Web (ICIW 2014)
7th June 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
2014 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery (ICKD 2014)
7th June 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
2014 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Network and Computing (ICINC 2014)
7th June 2014
Sarawak, Malaysia
2014 6th International Conference on Future Networks (ICFN 2014)
14th June 2014
Hong Kong, China
2014 2nd Journal Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology (JCIMT 2014 2nd)
16th June 2014
Hong Kong, China
2014 2rd International Conference on Innovation, Trade and Economics - ICITE 2014
22nd June 2014
Moscow, Russian Federation
2014 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Manufacturing(CMEIM 2014)
27th June 2014
Nanjing, China
International Conference on Identity studies
26th July 2014
Vienna, Austria
15th September 2014
Bandung, Indonesia
Third International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014)
24th September 2014
Delhi, India
5th Global Conference: Digital Memories
24th September 2014
Oxford, United Kingdom
3rd International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO'2014)
8th October 2014
Noida, India
2014 International Conference on Information and Network Security
14th November 2014
Beijing, China
Eleventh International Conference on TECHNOLOGY, KNOWLEDGE, AND SOCIETY
23rd February 2015
Berkeley, United States of America

January 2014
22nd 2014 The 2nd International Conference on Scientific Research and Studies (ICSRS 2014) Macau, Macau
22nd 2014 Tenth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability Split, Croatia (Hrvatska)
29th The Medical Device Directives and The Revision Pullman Brussels Midi Hotel, Place Victor Horta 1, Brussels, Belgium

February 2014
3rd 2014 Winter Global Business Conference Tignes, France
4th Social Media Strategies Summit: Las Vegas 2014 Las Vegas, United States of America
6th Mobile Deployable Communications Amsterdam, Netherlands
6th Tenth International Conference on Technology, Knowledge, and Society Madrid, Spain
11th Mobile Marketing Strategies Summit: San Francisco 2014 San Francisco, United States of America
13th Border Encounters: 2014 LAGO Conference New Orleans, United States of America
13th Genomics & Sequencing Data Integration, Analysis and Visualization San Francisco, United States of America
13th 2014 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Information Networks (ICIIN 2014) Hong Kong, China
15th 2014 3rd International Conference on Education and Management Innovation – ICEMI 2014 Hong Kong, China
17th The 13th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering Innsbruck, Austria
18th Circulate 2014 Berlin, Germany
19th 2014 International Conference on Advances in Electronics Engineering(ICAEE 2014) Singapore, Singapore
19th M2M Telematics for Usage Based Insurance London, United Kingdom
20th 2014 5th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (ICCMS 2014) Barcelona, Spain
20th 2014 3rd International Conference on Information Computer Application (ICICA 2014) Barcelona, Spain
20th 2014 2nd International Conference on System Modeling and Optimization (ICSMO 2014) Barcelona, Spain
21st 2014 International Conference on Advances and Management Sciences - ICAMS2014 Barcelona, Spain
21st The Creativity Workshop in New York - February 21 - 24, 2014 New York, United States of America
24th MilSatCom Middle East and Africa Amwaj Rotana, Jumeirah Beach Residence, Dubai, 86834, United States of America
24th National Conference on Information and Communication Engineering Kavaraipettai - 601206, India
25th Oil & Gas Communication Technology Houston, United States of America
25th 2nd International Conference on Marketing (ICOM 2014) Colombo, Sri Lanka
26th GeoNext Sydney, Australia
26th International Conference on Leadership, Management and Academic Challenges in Emerging Markets – ICLMACEM 2014 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
26th IV International Congress Sport, Doping and Society Madrid, Spain
27th National Conference on Information processing and remote computing coimbatore, India
27th 2014 6th International Conference on Computer Research and Development (ICCRD 2014) Hanoi, Vietnam
27th 2014 International Conference on Information Security and Artificial Intelligence (ICISAI 2014) Hanoi, Vietnam

March 2014
4th 9th Annual Graduate Conference Ottawa, Canada
9th The Macrotheme International Conference on Business and Social Science: Monaco 2014 Monte Carlo, Monaco
9th The MacroJournals Conference on Medicine, Science, and Technology - Monte Carlo, Monaco 2014 Monte Carlo, Monaco
10th INTED2014 (8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference) Valencia, Spain
10th Canadian International Conference of Social Science and Education Toronto, Canada
10th 2014 3rd International Conference on Information and Industrial Electronics (ICIIE 2014) Penang, Malaysia
12th 2014 1st Journal Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology (JCIMT 2014 1st) Macau, China
13th ICECC 2014 Chennai, India
14th 9th Global Conference: Pluralism, Inclusion and Citizenship Prague, Czech Republic
17th 2014 International Conference on Power and Energy Engineering (ICPEE 2014) chennai, India
17th 2014 1st International Congress on Computer, Electronics, Electrical, and Communication Engineering (ICCEECE 2014) Chennai, India
17th 2014 International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (ICCSE 2014) Chennai, India
17th 2014 International Conference on Communication Engineering (ICCE 2014) Chennai, India
17th 2014 International Conference on Information Engineering (ICIE 2014) Chennai, India
17th Belgium Testing Days Bruges, Belgium
17th 2014 International Conference on Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ICEEE 2014) Chennai, India
17th 2014 International Conference on Automation Engineering (ICAE 2014) Chennai, India
18th The Fourth International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications (ICDIPC2014) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
18th International Conference on Computer Security and Digital Investigation (ComSec2014) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
18th The Second International Conference on Green Computing, Technology and Innovation (ICGCTI2014) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
19th Oil and Gas Telecommunications London Marriott Hotel Regents Park, 128 King Henry's Road, London, NW3 3ST, United Kingdom
19th Oil and Gas Telecommunications London, United Kingdom
20th 2014 the 3rd International Conference on Security Science and Technology (ICSST 2014) Manila, Philippines
20th 2014 International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ICOCS 2014) Manila, Philippines
20th 2014 3rd International Conference on Network and Computer Science (ICNCS 2014) Manila, Philippines
22nd NCICCT'14 TRICHY, India
22nd 4th Global Conference: Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds Prague, Czech Republic
22nd 2014 International Conference on Robotics, Mechanics and Mechatronics (ICRMM 2014) Bali, Indonesia
23rd The Creativity Workshop in Prague - March 23 - 29, 2014 Prague, Czech Republic
27th 2014 The 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Science (ICITS 2014) Shanghai, China
31st The Creativity Workshop in Florence - March 31 - April 6, 2013 Florence, Italy
31st Euro-American Conference for Academic Disciplines (Paris) Paris, France

April 2014
2nd 2014 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (e-CASE and e-Tech 2014) Nagoya, Japan
2nd Cryptography and Its Applications in the Armed Forces Hellenic Military Academy, Vari, Greece
2nd 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics (ICMR 2014) Dubai, United States of America
2nd Social Media in the Utilities Sector London, United Kingdom
3rd LibrAsia - The Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship Osaka, Japan
5th 2014 6th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2014) Athens, Greece
7th The 11th Int'l Conf. on Information Technology: New Generations Las Vegas, United States of America
9th The Low-Cost Digital Conference – Fundraise, Campaign, Communicate London, United Kingdom
10th 2014 The 6th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2014) Seoul, Korea (south)
10th 2014 The 2nd International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit (ICSIC 2014) Seoul, Korea (south)
11th 2014 International Conference on Information and Network Security (ICINS 2014) Jeju Island, Korea (south)
11th 2014 3rd International Conference on Telecom Technology and Applications (ICTTA 2014) Jeju Island, Korea (south)
11th 2014 3rd International Conference on Network and Computing Technology(ICNCT 2014) Jeju Island, Korea (south)
12th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Networking - ACCN Dubai, United Arab Emirates
12th 2014 1st Journal Conference on e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning (JC4E 2014 1st) Seoul, Korea (south)
21st 2014 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2014) Antalya, Turkey
21st 2014 Euro-Asia Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (EACCI 2014) Antalya, Turkey
22nd Analogue Photography in the New Media Age Leicester, United Kingdom
23rd Digital ID World Asia 2014 Singapore, Singapore
23rd International Conference on Next Generation Computing and Communication Technologies 2014 (ICNGCCT 2014) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
24th International Conference on Culture and Cultural policies Vienna, Austria
28th M2M for Oil and Gas London, United Kingdom
28th The Application of Ergonomics in developing countries Algiers, Algeria
29th PR Summit London, United Kingdom

May 2014
1st 2014 3rd International Conference on Communication and Broadband Networking (ICCBN 2014) Singapore, Singapore
1st 2014 3rd International Conference on Internet and Web Engineering (ICIWE 2014) Singapore, Singapore
1st 2014 3rd International Conference on Software and Information Engineering (ICSIE 2014) Singapore, Singapore
3rd International Conference On Future Trends In Information and Communication Engineering - FTICE Bangkok, Thailand
7th ReClaiming Participation Zurich, Switzerland
7th 2014 International Conference on Management Sciences and Engineering (ICMSE 2014) Nirjuli, India
7th 2014 1st International Conference on Business Management, Economics, Tourism and Technology Management (ICBMETTM 2014) Nirjuli, India
8th Friction! An Interdisciplinary Conference on Technology and Resistance Nottingham, UK, United Kingdom
9th 2014 International Conference on Information Systems Engineering (iCISE 2014) Hays, Kansas, United States of America
10th 2014 4TH International Conference on Management and Service Science - ICMSS 2014 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
13th The Social Media Results Conference – Engage, Excite, Convert London, United Kingdom
14th 9th Global Conference: Cybercultures Lisbon, Portugal
14th 2nd Global Conference:Transmedia: Storytelling and Beyond Lisbon, Portugal
16th III. International Conference on Humanities: Socio-Economic Dimensions of Peace Building Tirana, Albania
19th Effective Risk Communication: Theory, Tools, and Practical Skills for Communicating about Risk Boston, United States of America
20th Creating Characters, Inventing Lives: The Art of the Self, 1st International Symposium Toronto, Canada
21st 2014 4th International Conference on Computer Communication and Management (ICCCM 2014) Paris, France
21st 17th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2014) Larnaca, Cyprus
21st 2014 3rd International Conference on System Engineering and Modeling (ICSEM 2014) Paris, France
21st 2014 International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Management- ICHTM2014 Paris, France
21st 2014 3rd International Conference on Management and Education Innovation - ICMEI 2014 Paris, France
24th 2014 the 6th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN 2014) Singapore, Singapore
24th 2014 the 3rd International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (ICWOC 2014) Singapore, Singapore
24th 2014 the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing (ICIIP 2014) Singapore, Singapore
26th E-MRS 2014 SPRING MEETING Lille, France
26th International Conference for Academic Disciplines (on the Harvard campus) Boston, United States of America
29th 2014 The 3rd International Conference on Advance in Soft Computing (ICASC 2014) Sydney, Australia
29th 2014 The 6th International Conference on Future Computer and Communication (ICFCC 2014) Sydney, Australia
29th ACCS 2014 - The Fourth Asian Conference on Cultural Studies - Borderlands of Becoming, Belonging and Sharing Osaka, Japan
30th International Conference on Media and Popular culture Vienna, Austria

June 2014
2nd 2014 2nd International Conference on Computer and Business Management (ICCBM 2014) London, United Kingdom
2nd 2014 3rd International Conference on Computing and Computer Vision (ICCCV 2014) London, United Kingdom
2nd 2014 3rd International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (ICSCA 2014) London, United Kingdom
3rd International Conference on Digital Marketing-2014 (ICODM2014) Colombo, Sri Lanka
6th The Creativity Workshop in New York - June 6 - 9, 2014 New York, United States of America
7th 2014 3rd International Conference on Computer Technology and Science (ICCTS 2014) Sarawak, Malaysia
7th 2014 3rd International Conference on Database and Data Mining (ICDDM 2014) Bangkok, Thailand
7th 2014 International Conference on Internet and Web (ICIW 2014) Bangkok, Thailand
7th 2014 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery (ICKD 2014) Bangkok, Thailand
7th 2014 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Network and Computing (ICINC 2014) Sarawak, Malaysia
11th Materials, Methods and Technologies 2014, 16th International Conference Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria
11th Ninth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Vancouver, Canada
12th ACSS2014 - The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences Osaka, Japan
14th 2014 6th International Conference on Future Networks (ICFN 2014) Hong Kong, China
15th The Creativity Workshop in Barcelona - June 15 - 21, 2014 Barcelona, Spain
16th 2014 2nd Journal Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology (JCIMT 2014 2nd) Hong Kong, China
16th International Conference for Academic Disciplines (Barcelona 2014) Barcelona, Spain
18th Agents and Multi-agent Systems – Technologies and Applications 2014 Chania, Greece
21st 2014 International Conference on Optoelectronics Information Processing - ICOIP 2014 Moscow, Russian Federation
21st 2014 The 4th International Conference on Mechanics, Simulation and Control (ICMSC2014) Moscow, Russian Federation
21st 2014 International Conference on Aerospace Engineering (ICOAE 2014) Moscow, Russian Federation
22nd 2014 2rd International Conference on Innovation, Trade and Economics - ICITE 2014 Moscow, Russian Federation
26th FILM AND MEDIA 2014: The Fourth Annual London Film and Media Conference - Visions of Identity: Global Film and Media London, United Kingdom
27th 2014 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Manufacturing(CMEIM 2014) Nanjing, China
29th The Creativity Workshop in Crete - June 29 - July 5, 2014 Chania, Greece
30th International Conference for Academic Disciplines (Venice) Venice, Italy

July 2014
1st The 29th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2014) Bangkok, Thailand
7th The Creativity Workshop in Florence - July 7 - 13, 2014 Florence, Italy
9th ANZCA Annual Conference Melbourne, Australia
9th Bangkok International Conference on Computer Science 2014 Bangkok, Thailand
16th SPLASH! 2014 Sydney, Australia
18th International Conference on Cryptography and Security 2014 Bangkok, Thailand
26th International Conference on Identity studies Vienna, Austria

August 2014
4th The Fourteenth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations Oxford, United Kingdom
7th LCBR European Marketing Conference 2014 Munich, Germany
19th First IEEE International Conference on Networks & Soft Computing Guntur, India

September 2014
10th Media and Mass Communication 2014, 3rd International Conference Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria
12th 2014 FALL GLOBAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE Los Angeles, United States of America
13th International Conference on Advances in Information and Computing - AIC 2014 Paris, France
15th International Conference on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & COMPUTER SCIENCE - AICS 2014 Bandung, Indonesia
24th Third International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2014) Delhi, India
24th 5th Global Conference: Digital Memories Oxford, United Kingdom

October 2014
3rd Seventh International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies Portland, United States of America
6th The International Conference on Information Security and Cyber Forensics (InfoSec 2014) Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
7th Social Media for Customer Service Summit New York, United States of America
8th 3rd International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO'2014) Noida, India
10th Sixth International Conference on Science in Society Vancouver, Canada
10th 2014 FALL GLOBAL PSYCHOLOGY SYMPOSIUM Los Angeles, United States of America
15th 3rd International Conference on Context-Aware Systems and Applications - ICCASA 2014 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

November 2014
14th 2014 International Conference on Information and Network Security Beijing, China

December 2014

February 2015
23rd Eleventh International Conference on TECHNOLOGY, KNOWLEDGE, AND SOCIETY Berkeley, United States of America

The Creativity Workshop in New York - February 21 - 24, 2014
21st February 2014
New York, United States of America
Experiential Conference/Workshop dedicated to helping individuals in humanities, sciences, business, arts be more creative professionally and personally.

Canadian International Conference of Social Science and Education
10th March 2014
Toronto, Canada
The 2014 CICSSE invites scholars and students to present, share, and discuss their studies.Submit your abstract in the Conference and have your paper be published in The Canadian International Journal of Social Science and Education

The Creativity Workshop in Prague - March 23 - 29, 2014
23rd March 2014
Prague, Czech Republic
Experiential Conference/Workshop dedicated to helping individuals in humanities, sciences, business, arts be more creative professionally and personally.

The Creativity Workshop in Florence - March 31 - April 6, 2013
31st March 2014
Florence, Italy
Experiential Conference/Workshop dedicated to helping individuals in humanities, sciences, business, arts be more creative professionally and personally.

Euro-American Conference for Academic Disciplines (Paris)
31st March 2014
Paris, France
Abstracts wanted for a multidisciplinary research conference in the heart of Paris. Free cultural bus tours to Rouen, Versailles, and Giverny. Le Monde described it as “Paris’ most popular annual conference for English-speaking professors.”

LibrAsia - The Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship
3rd April 2014
Osaka, Japan
This international, intercultural and interdisciplinary academic conference on literature is organised by IAFOR in conjunction with our global partners, including Waseda University (Japan), London University (UK), NIE (Singapore), Virginia Tech (USA)

2014 The 6th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2014)
10th April 2014
Seoul, Korea (south)
Conference papers can be selected and published into the following Journals.--Ei index JournalJournal of Computers (JCP, ISSN: 1796-203X) Journal of Software (JSW, ISSN: 1796-217X)--EI (INSPEC, IET) index JournalIJCTE, IJCEE, IJIEE

2014 The 2nd International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit (ICSIC 2014)
10th April 2014
Seoul, Korea (south)
ICSIC 2014 will be published into Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJEEE,ISSN: 2301-380X) by: E&T Publishing, which will be indexed by Google Scholar, CrossRef, ETLibrary, DOAJ, MELib, IndexCopernicus, EBSCO, JournalSeek.

2014 International Conference on Information and Network Security (ICINS 2014)
11th April 2014
Jeju Island, Korea (south)
The selected papers will be published in the indexed Journals as following:IJSNet (ISSN: 1748-1287, Indexed by SCI)IJSN (1747-8413, Scopus and EI Compendex)JCM (1796-2021, Scopus and EI Compendex)IJFCC (ISSN: 2010-3751, DOAJ, EBSCO and etc)

2014 3rd International Conference on Telecom Technology and Applications (ICTTA 2014)
11th April 2014
Jeju Island, Korea (south)
The selected papers will be published in the indexed Journals as following:IJSNet (ISSN: 1748-1287, Indexed by SCI)IJSN (1747-8413, Scopus and EI Compendex)JCM (1796-2021, Scopus and EI Compendex)IJFCC (ISSN: 2010-3751, DOAJ, EBSCO and etc)

2014 3rd International Conference on Network and Computing Technology(ICNCT 2014)
11th April 2014
Jeju Island, Korea (south)
The selected papers will be published in the indexed Journals as following:IJSNet (ISSN: 1748-1287, SCI)IJSN (ISSN: 1747-8413, Scopus and EI Compendex)JCM (1796-2021, Scopus and EI Compendex)IJFCC (ISSN: 2010-3751, DOAJ, EBSCO and etc)

2014 1st Journal Conference on e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning (JC4E 2014 1st)
12th April 2014
Seoul, Korea (south)
All the registered papers will be published into IJEEEE (ISSN: 2010-3654) by IACSIT Publishing. The journal will be included in the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Google Scholar, Crossref, Electronic Journals Library.

2014 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2014)
21st April 2014
Antalya, Turkey
All accepted papers will also be published in the indexed Journals after being selected.Applied Mechanics and Materials (ISSN: 1660-9336) IJCEE(ISSN: 1793-8163)IJEEE(ISSN: 2301-380X)JOACE(ISSN: 2301-3702)IJOEE(ISSN: 2301-3656)

2014 Euro-Asia Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (EACCI 2014)
21st April 2014
Antalya, Turkey
EACCI 2014 will be published in IJCTE (ISSN: 1793-8201), and will be indexed by Electronic Journals Library, EBSCO, Google Scholar, INSPEC, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Crossref, ProQuest, WorldCat, and EI (INSPEC, IET).

2014 3rd International Conference on Communication and Broadband Networking (ICCBN 2014)
1st May 2014
Singapore, Singapore
International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering (IJCCE, ISSN: 2010-3743)Journal of Communications (JCM, ISSN: 1796-2021; DOI: 10.12720, EI Compendex; SCOPUS)Journal of Advances in Computer Networks (JACN, ISSN: 1793-8244)

2014 3rd International Conference on Internet and Web Engineering (ICIWE 2014)
1st May 2014
Singapore, Singapore
ICIWE 2014 will be published in the JIII (ISSN: 2301-3745) as one volume, and will be indexed by Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Engineering & Technology Digital Library and Electronic Journals Digital Library.

2014 3rd International Conference on Software and Information Engineering (ICSIE 2014)
1st May 2014
Singapore, Singapore
ICSIE 2014 will be published in the Journal of Lecture Notes on Software Engineering (LNSE, ISSN: 2301-3559), and will be indexed by DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, EBSCO, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, ICSDL, ProQuest and Google Scholar.

International Conference On Future Trends In Information and Communication Engineering - FTICE
3rd May 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
Proceedings will be archived in SEEK Digital Library with ISBN Number and will also be published in International Journals. Each Paper will be assigned DOI from CROSSREF. Proc. will be submitted to ISI Thomson for review and indexing.

2014 1st International Conference on Business Management, Economics, Tourism and Technology Management (ICBMETTM 2014)
7th May 2014
Nirjuli, India
ICBMETTM 2014 will be published in International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research (IPEDR), ISSN: 2010-4626, Indexed by: EBSCO, CNKI, DOAJ, WorldCat, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Crossref, and E&T Digital Library.

2014 International Conference on Information Systems Engineering (iCISE 2014)
9th May 2014
Hays, Kansas, United States of America
All papers, both invited and contributed, will be reviewed by two or three experts from the PC. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted paper will be Published by IEEE CPS, and will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore for inclusion.

2014 4TH International Conference on Management and Service Science - ICMSS 2014
10th May 2014
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ICMSS 2014 will be published in IPEDR (ISSN: 2168-0787) as one volume, and will be included in the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, and indexed by Google Scholar, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Crossref, and ProQuest.

2014 4th International Conference on Computer Communication and Management (ICCCM 2014)
21st May 2014
Paris, France
ICCCM 2014 will be published in the following journals with ISSN:* Journal of Advanced Management Science (ISSN:2168-0787)* International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering (ISSN:2010-3743)

2014 3rd International Conference on System Engineering and Modeling (ICSEM 2014)
21st May 2014
Paris, France
ICSEM 2014 will be published in the Journal of Modeling and Optimization (ISSN:2010-3697), and will be included in the E&T Digital Library, and indexed by Electronic Journals Library ProQuest,Google Scholar, Crossref, DOAJ and EI (INSPEC, IET).

2014 International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Management- ICHTM2014
21st May 2014
Paris, France
ICHTM2014 will be published in IPEDR (ISSN: 2010-4626), and indexed by EBSCO, CNKI, DOAJ, WorldCat, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Crossref, and E&T Digital Library. The excellent papers would be recommended to IJTEF, ISSN: 2010-023X

2014 3rd International Conference on Management and Education Innovation - ICMEI 2014
21st May 2014
Paris, France
ICMEI2014 will be published in IPEDR (ISSN: 2010-4626), and indexed by DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, E&T Digital Library, Google Scholar, Crossref and ProQuest. The excellent papers would be recommended to IJIET, ISSN:2010-3689.

2014 the 6th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN 2014)
24th May 2014
Singapore, Singapore
Accepted papers will be published in the one of the following Journals with ISSN:Journal of Communications (JCM) (ISSN: 1796-2021)indexed by EI Compendex; SCOPUS; ULRICH's Periodicals Directory; Google Scholar; INSPEC; etc.JACNIJFCCIJCCE

2014 the 3rd International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (ICWOC 2014)
24th May 2014
Singapore, Singapore
ICWOC 2014 will be published in International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering (IJCCE)(ISSN: 2010-3743), and will be included in the Google Scholar, E&T Digital Library, ProQuest, and Crossref, DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library.

2014 the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing (ICIIP 2014)
24th May 2014
Singapore, Singapore
ICIIP 2014 will be published in the Volume of Journal of Signal Processing Systems (IJSPS) (ISSN: 2315-4535), and will be indexed by Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, EBSCO, E&T Digital Library and Electronic Journals Digital Library.

International Conference for Academic Disciplines (on the Harvard campus)
26th May 2014
Boston, United States of America
This 5-day conference on the Harvard University campus once again brings together researchers from various disciplines. Spanning over 4 adjacent states, it showcases multidisciplinary research and the splendors of New England in summer.

2014 The 3rd International Conference on Advance in Soft Computing (ICASC 2014)
29th May 2014
Sydney, Australia
ICASC 2014 will be selected to be published in Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE, ISSN: 1793-8201).Abstracting/Indexing: EI (INSPEC, IET), Electronic Journals Library, EBSCO, Google Scholar, INSPEC, Crossref, ProQuest, and WorldCat.

2014 The 6th International Conference on Future Computer and Communication (ICFCC 2014)
29th May 2014
Sydney, Australia
Publication:--Ei index JournalJournal of Computers (JCP, ISSN: 1796-203X) Journal of Communications (JCM, ISSN: 1796-2021)--Ei (INSPEC, IET) index JournalInternational Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE, ISSN: 1793-8201)

ACCS 2014 - The Fourth Asian Conference on Cultural Studies - Borderlands of Becoming, Belonging and Sharing
29th May 2014
Osaka, Japan
International, Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Conference on Cultural Studies organized by IAFOR. Conference Co-Chairs: Prof Baden Offord & Koichi Iwabuchi. Conference Theme: Borderlands of Becoming, Belonging and Sharing

31st May 2014
Budva - Montenegro, Serbia
The 4th ICHSS in Budva will be focused in all topics related to the social and human fields. Papers will be published in Book Proceedings (ISBN) and in three Journals (ISSN) indexed by Scopus and with Global Impact Factor. Conference fee EUR 200.

2014 2nd International Conference on Computer and Business Management (ICCBM 2014)
2nd June 2014
London, United Kingdom
ICCBM 2014 will be published in the Journal of Economics, Business and Management (JOEBM, ISSN: 2301-3567), and will be indexed by DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, EBSCO, Ulrich's P.D., MESLibrary, Google Scholar, Crossref, and ProQuest.

2014 3rd International Conference on Computing and Computer Vision (ICCCV 2014)
2nd June 2014
London, United Kingdom
ICCCV 2014 will be published in “International Journal of Image and Graphics” [ISSN: 2301-3699], will be indexed by Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Engineering & Technology Digital Library and Electronic Journals Library.

2014 3rd International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (ICSCA 2014)
2nd June 2014
London, United Kingdom
ICSCA 2014 will be published in “Journal of Lecture Notes on Software Engineering” [ISSN:2301-3559], and will be indexed by Electronic Journals Library, EBSCO, Ulrich's P.D., Computer Science Digital Library (ICSDL), ProQuest and Google Scholar.

International Conference on Digital Marketing-2014 (ICODM2014)
3rd June 2014
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Welcome....The International conference on Digital Marketing (ICODM 2014) is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Digital Marketing. you can visit our official website for more information >>>

The Creativity Workshop in New York - June 6 - 9, 2014
6th June 2014
New York, United States of America
Experiential Conference/Workshop dedicated to helping individuals in humanities, sciences, business, arts be more creative professionally and personally.

2014 3rd International Conference on Computer Technology and Science (ICCTS 2014)
7th June 2014
Sarawak, Malaysia
ICCTS 2014 will be published in the IJCEE (ISSN: 1793-8163), and will be indexed by Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, EBSCO, E&T Digital Library, Crossref, ProQuest, DOAJ and EI (INSPEC, IET) and Electronic Journals Library.

2014 3rd International Conference on Database and Data Mining (ICDDM 2014)
7th June 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
ICDDM 2014 will be published in International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing (IJMLC), and will be included in the E&T Digital Library, Google Scholar, Crossref, ProQuest, Electronic Journals Library, DOAJ and EI (INSPEC, IET).

2014 International Conference on Internet and Web (ICIW 2014)
7th June 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
ICIW 2014 will be published in the volume of International Journal of Future Computer and Communication (IJFCC), and will be included in the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Google Scholar, Crossref, Electronic Journals Library, and DOAJ.

2014 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery (ICKD 2014)
7th June 2014
Bangkok, Thailand
ICKD 2014 will be published in International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE)(ISSN: 1793-8201), and will be indexed by Electronic Journals Library, EBSCO, Google Scholar, INSPEC, Crossref, ProQuest, WorldCat, and EI (INSPEC, IET).

2014 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Network and Computing (ICINC 2014)
7th June 2014
Sarawak, Malaysia
ICINC 2014 will be published in the IJMLC (ISSN: 2010-3700) as one volume, and will be indexed by Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Google Scholar, Crossref, ProQuest, Electronic Journals Library, DOAJ and EI (INSPEC, IET).

Materials, Methods and Technologies 2014, 16th International Conference
11th June 2014
Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria
We are pleased to invite you to take part in the 16th international conference Materials, Methods and Technologies, which will be held in a five-star hotel in Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria. Standard registration fee 240 Euro.

ACSS2014 - The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences
12th June 2014
Osaka, Japan
This international, intercultural and interdisciplinary academic conference on the social sciences is organised by IAFOR in conjunction with our global partners, including Waseda University (Japan), London University (UK) & Virginia Tech (USA).

2014 6th International Conference on Future Networks (ICFN 2014)
14th June 2014
Hong Kong, China
ICFN 2014 will be published in International Journal of Future Computer and Communication (ISSN:2010-3751, DOI: 10.7763/IJFCC), which will be indexed by DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, E&T Digital Library, Crossref, and Google Scholar.

The Creativity Workshop in Barcelona - June 15 - 21, 2014
15th June 2014
Barcelona, Spain
Experiential Conference/Workshop dedicated to helping individuals in humanities, sciences, business, arts be more creative professionally and personally.

2014 International Conference on Optoelectronics Information Processing - ICOIP 2014
21st June 2014
Moscow, Russian Federation
ICOIP 2014 will be published by Lecture Notes on Photonics and Optoelectronics Journal (LNPO, ISSN: 2301-3753).Abstracting/Indexing:Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, EBSCO, E&T Digital Library and Electronic Journals Digital Library.

2014 The 4th International Conference on Mechanics, Simulation and Control (ICMSC2014)
21st June 2014
Moscow, Russian Federation
ICMSC 2014 will be published by Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal (ISSN: 1660-9336). Applied Mechanics and Materials (ISSN: 1660-9336) is Indexed by Elsevier: SCOPUS and Ei Compendex (CPX). CSA, CA and ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science) IEE, etc.

2014 International Conference on Aerospace Engineering (ICOAE 2014)
21st June 2014
Moscow, Russian Federation
ICOAE 2014 will be published by Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal (ISSN: 1660-9336). Applied Mechanics and Materials (ISSN: 1660-9336) is Indexed by Elsevier: SCOPUS and Ei Compendex (CPX), CSA, CA, ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science), IEE, etc.

2014 2rd International Conference on Innovation, Trade and Economics - ICITE 2014
22nd June 2014
Moscow, Russian Federation
ICITE 2014 will be published in the IJTEF (ISSN: 2010-023X), and indexed by Engineering & Technology Digital Library, EBSCO, ProQuest, Crossref, Electronic Journals Library, DOAJ and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.

2014 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Manufacturing(CMEIM 2014)
27th June 2014
Nanjing, China
All paper will be published in journal "Applied Mechanics and Materials" [ISSN: 1660-9336] "AMM" is indexed by Elsevier. Scopus and Ei Compendex (CPX), CSA , Chemical Abstracts (CA) , Google and Google Scholar, ISI (ISTP), IEE, etc.

The Creativity Workshop in Crete - June 29 - July 5, 2014
29th June 2014
Chania, Greece
Experiential Conference/Workshop dedicated to helping individuals in humanities, sciences, business, arts be more creative professionally and personally.

International Conference for Academic Disciplines (Venice)
30th June 2014
Venice, Italy
Abstracts wanted for multidisciplinary conference. Come to the very heart of Venice and walk straight into a postcard. Conference includes cultural visits to the Dolomite Mountains and Verona.

The Creativity Workshop in Florence - July 7 - 13, 2014
7th July 2014
Florence, Italy
Experiential Conference/Workshop dedicated to helping individuals in humanities, sciences, business, arts be more creative professionally and personally.

LCBR European Marketing Conference 2014
7th August 2014
Munich, Germany
Researchers present their work in marketing and related areas. Benefit from excellent networking opportunities during the evening reception, lunch and coffee breaks. Papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

Media and Mass Communication 2014, 3rd International Conference
10th September 2014
Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria
We are pleased to invite you to take part in the 3rd international conference Media and Mass Communication, which will be held in a luxury five-star hotel in Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria. Standard registration fee 240 Euro.


About Me

Somewhere, Selangor, Malaysia
An IT by profession, a beginner in photography


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