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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Challenge - Develop awesome mobile games with a free state-of-the-art game engine

New challenge

Develop awesome mobile games with a free state-of-the-art game engine

Admit it, you've had an amazing game brewing in your imagination ever since you played that last mobile game and thought "I could have made this!".

Now's your chance to develop YOUR dream game, ship it for FREE on iOS or Android, and show it to the world. Download Project Anarchy, Havok's complete end to end game engine for mobile, and get started developing today.

In addition to $100,000 in prizes, up to ten Early Submission Finalists will be chosen to showcase and promote their games at Havok's booth during the 2014 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.

Enter your game by February 1, 2014 to get feedback from Havok's world-class dev team who helped perfect everything from Assassin's Creed IV, Destiny, Halo 4, Uncharted 3, and Skyrim. They can help push the limits of what your game can do with the power of Project Anarchy!
$100,000 IN PRIZES
May 31, 2014 
Open to most developers age 18+ around the world
See official rules for details
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Somewhere, Selangor, Malaysia
An IT by profession, a beginner in photography


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