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Monday, May 16, 2011

Is the SCADA Infrastructures Secure?

Governors and others frequently bemoan the lack of investment being made in crumbling infrastructure. Bridges, tunnels and the rest of the brick and mortar that enables our lives are in disrepair, and we're told things are getting worse. Shrinking budgets insure that repairs will continue to fall behind. Pundits also say the electric grid is old and not capable of meeting 21st century needs [read more].

This is an interesting article written way back on December 2010. But, from my perspective, this issue should be raise earlier than that especially when latest cases of attack by Stuxnet. There are few ways to protect such infrastructures but the most effective ways is yet to be established. Some has proposed use of Trusted Computing concept but this has yet to make a significant implications in security world. On Jan 14, 2011, guru of Trusted Computing is his presentation, has shares something about overflows; a classical ways of attacks and yet still relevant; which clearly could indicates that TPM, although was stated as a Temper-Proof device when it came into the picture, is still vulnerable to attack which is more than 20 years old.
Another solutions that seem interesting to implement but still too many doubt is Quantum Computing. It is yet to be successful implemented in a research environment. This is due to behavior of Quantum Computing which must be implemented in a stable environment to avoid the light being transmitted either distracted or destroyed. But current environment especially in SCADA infrastructures, this seem impossible until those researcher could find a way to do this in unstable locations.
Hence, a good and accepted solutions for securing SCADA infra. has yet to come.


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Somewhere, Selangor, Malaysia
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