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Saturday, January 11, 2020

Codility - PermMissingElem (Find the missing element in a given permutation)

This is a lesson in codility for the Time Complexity algorithm. Given an array of integer, you need to find the lowest missing integer.

I managed to score 100% for it.

Here is the snapshot of the code:
Based on the length, for all value in Array A, start the search and compare the initial value; that is 1 (expectedInt). If the value exists, the expectedInt is added 1 value.
                 if( A.length > 0 ){
           for (int x : A){
             //if found a value based on expected value 
             if (x == expectedInt){ 
             } else { //if found a mising value 
                missingInt = expectedInt;
If the Array is empty, we will just set the missingInt to 1.
        if (A.length == 0) {
          missingInt = 1;
If no missing int found, then we just add additional 1 to the last value found
       if (missingInt == 0){
           missingInt = A[A.length — 1] + 1;

The complete code is shown below
Codility - PermMissingElem sample code
My result is shown below

You can download the code from here:

  1. Bitbucket - git clone
  2. Github - git clone



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Somewhere, Selangor, Malaysia
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