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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Writing a good PhD (and MSc) Thesis and Survive VIVA

I was in the middle of writing thesis when I received email from my supervisor sharing an article about writing a good thesis and survive viva.

After gone through the article, decided to share with you guys.

The paper gives advice on how to write a good PhD thesis in a Computing subject in the
UK | assuming that one has done interesting, novel academic work and \just" needs to
write up. The context of this document relates to my experience, opinion and practice in
various roles as supervisor, examiner or examination panel chair in more than two dozens
of PhD examinations. What I have expressed here is likely to be relevant to my own PhD
students or those whose PhD thesis I examine within the British system. Many aspects of
this paper are universally true for a number of subjects and countries while some are more
speci c to Computing and the UK.

Stefan Ruger
Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University, UK

More... read here


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Somewhere, Selangor, Malaysia
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