"In the past, Apple has stopped serving security updates for one edition around the time it has two newer in play," explains Computerworld's Gregg Keizer. "If the current OS X is dubbed n, then n-2 support ends at the debut of n." The release of Lion last year, and Mountain Lion earlier this month, effectively puts Snow Leopard two versions behind. Indeed, the last security update for Snow Leopard was shipped on May 9.
Read more: In unexpected move, Apple releases security updates for Snow Leopard - FierceCIO:TechWatch http://www.fiercecio.com/techwatch/story/unexpected-move-apple-releases-security-updates-snow-leopard/2012-09-21?utm_medium=nl&utm_source=internal#ixzz27AP0jXLZ
Or read the original article at http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9231513/Apple_goes_against_grain_extends_support_for_Snow_Leopard
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