Although involving mainly information theft, cyber warfare can endanger
lives at many levels and is a reality that's here to stay, warn security
observers [read more]
The topic had been discussed withing security community since many devices are inter-connected. Shared by experience renowned speaker it came to the question of it is true or it is just a myth created by security corporation to create interest within people.
From my perspective, it is true rather than a myth. We have seen attack on SCADA system by Stunet Virus (Symantec). There was also various reports such as by Mocana Corporation whom shares their analysis on attacks on mobile devices, Verizon whom analyzed on data breach in 2011, and lots more. All this indicates one things, CYBER WARFARE is TRUE.
In a keynote speech by a renowned speaker in information security at WEC 2010, he mentioned that as the real world are becoming overlapping with cyber world (with lots of devices are becoming an important interactive and interconnect mechanism), there is possibility of becoming are target for exploitation, hacking, attacks, etc and that my cost life.
From my own view :)
After posting this, I just got news that US supply water system was attacked. Check it out here and
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