My experience on my daily works... helping others ease each other

Saturday, November 19, 2011

6 Sigma Belt tools

List of tools to be used for 6 Sigma Belt


Friday, November 18, 2011

Understanding the security framework behind RSA SecurID

An article published in EET which the author shares his view on weaknesses of RSA SecurID [read].

In this article, the author claims that there is vulnerability that can be used by attackers to gain access on system using RSA SecurID. I've yet to verified this but still I don't think that RSA SecurID or any of token-based security is secure enough. It shall be implemented with few security mechanism on top of that to tighten the security. Or else, someone might found a way to exploit it. :)

Cyber warfare - Is it myth or real?

Although involving mainly information theft, cyber warfare can endanger lives at many levels and is a reality that's here to stay, warn security observers [read more]

The topic had been discussed withing security community since many devices are inter-connected. Shared by experience renowned speaker it came to the question of it is true or it is just a myth created by security corporation to create interest within people.

From my perspective, it is true rather than a myth. We have seen attack on SCADA system by Stunet Virus (Symantec). There was also various reports such as by Mocana Corporation whom shares their analysis on attacks on mobile devices, Verizon whom analyzed on data breach in 2011, and lots more. All this indicates one things, CYBER WARFARE is TRUE.

In a keynote speech by a renowned speaker in information security at WEC 2010, he mentioned that as the real world are becoming overlapping with cyber world (with lots of devices are becoming an important interactive and interconnect mechanism), there is possibility of becoming are target for exploitation, hacking, attacks, etc and that my cost life.

From my own view :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Samsung, Apple, Amazon, Perfect 10: Intellectual Property

An interesting articles by Victoria Slind-Flor about the on-going battle between Apple Inc and its rival (Samsung, HTC, etc...) and published in Bloomberg. (read it here).

This is something Microsoft have been fighting for the last few decades on its monopoly of OS. Should this be the same case or something else. In any case, as user, I do hope it will still benefit us the most :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

First recorded Virus - Brain

It was not developed by US or Europe guy, instead it was developed by brothers of Pakistani. It was released in 1986 with no intention to be virus (claimed by the brothers). However, it do cause havoc in software security world.

Nevertheless, it do triggers others to develop malware until today.... read the full story here.

But their virus was not as dangerous as Morris worm developed by Robert Morris Jr which become the first ever virus exploiting vulnerabilities and causing massive 'traffic-jam' on network.

List of IPs and Publications

  1. Nurul Haszeli Ahmad, Fazli Mat Nor, Nagendran Parumalai, System and Method to Secure Distribution and Execution Software Libraries, MyIPO (submitted), 2013
  1. Nurul Haszeli Ahmad, Fazli Mat Nor, Nagendran Parumalai, Automatic Transformation of Non-Relational Database Into Relational Database, MyIPO, PI 2012005266, 2012
  1. Arniyati Ahmad, Mohd Faizal Mubarak, Nurul Haszeli Ahmad, Secure External Storage System and Method Thereof, US patent, WO2012050421 A1, PCT/MY2011/000121, 2011

  1. KPI Management System (14 Copyrights and Trade Secret)
  2. Project Q (6 Trade Secret)

  1. Project Prihatin (6 Copyrights and Trademarks)

  1. Nurul Haszeli Ahmad, Syed Ahmad Aljunid, Jamalul-lail Ab Manan, “Vulnerabilities and Exploitation in Computer System - Past, Present and Future”, SiSKOM 2013 (ISBN 978-967-12088-0-9), Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia, 3rd - 4th Sep 2013
  1. Noor Nashriq Ramly, Nurul Haszeli Ahmad, Mohd Haris Aziz, “Comparative Analysis on Data Visualization for Operations Dashboard”, International Journal of Information and Education Technology. IJIET 2012 Vol.2(4): 287-290 ISSN 2010-3689. Published by IEEE
  1. Nurul Haszeli Ahmad, Syed Ahmad Aljunid, Jamalul-lail Ab Manan, “Understanding Vulnerabilities by Refining Taxonomy”, IEEE, 7th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS 2011), ISBN 978-1-4577-2154-0, page 25 – 29, Melaka, 5th – 8th December 2011 
  2. Nurul Haszeli Ahmad, Syed Ahmad Aljunid, Jamalul-lail Ab Manan, “Classifications and Measurement on C Overflow Vulnerabilities Attack”, International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications (IJNCAA), Vol. 3, No 1, 2011 
  3. Noor Nashriq Ramly, Ahmad Zuhairi Ismail, Mohd Haris Aziz, Nurul Haszeli Ahmad, “Operations Dashboard: Comparative Study”, SPIE Digital Library, Proceeding SPIE 8285, International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2011), Volume 82853, DOI:10.1117/12.914400, October 01, 2011, Cairo, Egypt 
  4. Nurul Haszeli Ahmad, Syed Ahmad Aljunid, Jamalul-lail Ab Manan, “Taxonomy of C Overflow Vulnerabilities Attack”, Journal of Software Engineering and Computer Systems, Communications in Computer and Information Science Series, Vol 180, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Proceedings of Second International Conference ICSECS 2011, pp 376-390, ISBN 978-3-642-22190-3, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia, June 27-29, 2011
  1. Nurul Haszeli Ahmad, Syed Ahmad Aljunid, Jamalul-lail Ab Manan, “Preventing Exploitation on Software Vulnerabilities – Why Static Analysis Failed?”, Proceeding of World Engineering Conference (WEC 2010), Kuching, Sarawak, 2010
  2. The Taxonomy, Exploitation Techniques, and Preventive Measurement on Classical Exploitation of Software Vulnerabilities (abstract submitted to WEC 2010)
  3. Implementation of Trustworthiness in Hardening the Protection of Highly Confidential Information (abstract submitted to WEC 2010)

  1. Fazli Mat Noor, Nurul Haszeli Ahmad, Mohd Haris Aziz, Arniyati Ahmad, “Simplified Cairngorm – Towards A Better Approach of Cairngorm”, Proceeding of MIMOS Symposium, 2009
  2. Nurul Haszeli Ahmad, Fazli Mat Nor, Mohd Haris Aziz, Arniyati Ahmad, “Towards Choosing A Suitable Flex Framework - A Comparative Study”, Proceeding of MIMOS Symposium, 2009

  1. Arniyati Ahmad, Nurul Haszeli Ahmad, Fazli Mat Nor, Mohd Haris Aziz, “Securing Project Management Dashboard Application”, Malaysia Educational Security Convention and Seminars (MyEduSec 2008), 17 – 18 August 2008, Grand Continental, Terengganu


Making your application code multicore ready

In this product how-to article, Vector Fabrics’ Paul Stavers describes a more efficient way to parallelize code for embedded multicore designs illustrating the process using the company’s online tool to parallelize Google’s VP8 video decoder... [read more]

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Somewhere, Selangor, Malaysia
An IT by profession, a beginner in photography


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