My experience on my daily works... helping others ease each other

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

AI Writing Tools for Beginners: A Review of Sudowrite, Rytr, and NovelAI

AI is revolutionizing how we write, and AI writing tools are becoming increasingly popular among writers of all levels. If you're a beginner writer looking to improve your writing skills or simply looking for a way to overcome writer's block, AI writing tools can be a valuable asset. In this article, we'll review three of the most popular AI writing tools on the market: Sudowrite, Rytr, and NovelAI. We'll also discuss which tool is the best for beginners.




      • Excellent for character and plot development 
      • Focus on long-form writing 
      • User-friendly interface




      • Versatile tool
      • Affordable options
      • Easy to use




      • Creative and imaginative output
      • Strong community 
      • Image generation


Recommendation for Beginners

Rytr is a good starting point for beginners who want to explore AI writing tools without a significant upfront investment. It is versatile and affordable, and its simple interface makes it easy to use. However, use it wisely, as the free edition has a limitation on the number of words it can generate.

Key Considerations

  1. Budget: Determine how much you're willing to spend on a subscription.
  2. Writing style: Consider the genre and style of your novel. Some tools may be better suited for certain genres than others.
  3. Learning curve: Choose a tool that you find intuitive and easy to use.
  4. Trial periods: Take advantage of free trials or limited-time offers to test different tools before committing to a subscription.


AI writing tools can be a valuable asset for beginner writers. However, it is important to remember that these tools do not replace your creativity and writing skills. Use them to enhance your writing process, overcome writer's block, and explore new ideas.

Additional Tips

  1. Use a combination of different AI writing tools to get the best results.
  2. You can just experiment with different prompts to see what works best for you.
  3. Don't be afraid to edit and revise the output from AI writing tools.
  4. Use AI writing tools to help you overcome writer's block, but don't rely on them to do all the work for you.
p/s: The content is originated via collaboration with Gemini


Saturday, December 14, 2024

Troubleshooting JEnv problem

It has been a while since I managed my development environment and as I wish to get my hands dirty again, I started to cleanup my java environment, and it turn out a mess or simply saying a mistake I did.

If your Jenv suddenly fail to work and your java environment did not change as you intended, follow the link below


Do follow steps shown and don't skip.


Finally, I manage to get the right Java version that I need for the development.

openjdk version "23.0.1" 2024-10-15

OpenJDK Runtime Environment Homebrew (build 23.0.1)

OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Homebrew (build 23.0.1, mixed mode, sharing)


Monday, November 25, 2024

Senario Untuk Menerangkan Mengenai AI Kepada Orang Kampung

Ketika ini terdapat jurang pengetahuan terutamanya dalam bidang AI antara mereka yang di bandar dan mereka yang berada di kampung-kampung yang jauh dari bandar dan pekan. Jadi, bagaimana kita boleh memberi penerangan kepada mereka ini mengenai teknologi terkini seperti AI.

Dengan bantuan AI, maka, terhasil dialog yang berkenaan yang mungkin kita boleh jadikan sebagai bahan media dalam memberikan penerangan, bukan sahaja kepada mereka yang berada di kampung, malah pada mereka yang kurang pemahaman berkaitan AI ini.

Senario 1: Perbualan di Kedai Kopi

(Watak: Pak Abu, Pak Mat, dan Mat Din)

Pak Abu: Eh, korang dengar tak pasal benda AI yang budak-budak bandar selalu sembang tu? Aku dengar macam robot pintar pulak.

Pak Mat: Hah! AI tu macam otak manusia la, Abu. Tapi dia duduk dalam mesin. Kau tahu tak, kalau kau cakap "Hai Google" kat telefon kau, dia boleh jawab balik? Itu pun AI.

Mat Din: Kalau aku cakap, “Google, buatkan aku kopi,” dia buat tak?

Pak Mat: Kopi tak boleh, Din. Kau ingat AI tu pembantu rumah ke? Tapi kalau kau nak resepi buat kopi tarik power, dia boleh carikan kau langkah-langkah. Canggih, kan?

Mat Din: Hmmm, itu AI ke? Macam aku minta bini aku bancuh kopi, dia tanya, "Nak manis ke, kurang gula?" Itu kira AI jugak ke?

Pak Abu: Eh, taklah Din. Itu isteri AI - "Awek Intelligent"! (semua ketawa)

Pak Mat: Hahaha, tapi serius, AI ni boleh jadi macam manusia. Contohnya, kalau kita ni pekebun sawit, AI boleh tengok mana pokok yang tak sihat guna dron. Tak payah kita penat pusing kebun. Dia terus bagi tahu pokok mana kena tebang.

Mat Din: Oh, kalau macam tu, aku kena start guna AI jugak lah. Letih aku pusing kebun hari-hari! Tapi kalau AI tak betul bagitahu, aku halau dia masuk parit!

Senario 2: Perbualan di Tepi Sawah

(Watak: Pak Long, Pak Ngah, dan Amir)

Pak Long: Aku dengar sekarang ni petani kat Jepun pakai AI untuk tanam padi. Betul ke, Pak Ngah?

Pak Ngah: Betul, Long. AI ni pandai. Dia boleh tengok cuaca, tanah, dan air, lepas tu dia bagi tahu bila masa sesuai tanam dan tuai. Kita ni pakai naluri je, sebab tu kadang-kadang hasil tak menjadi.

Amir: Wah, canggihnya! Jadi AI tu macam bomoh sawah lah, ye?

Pak Ngah: Bomoh moden lah, Amir. Dia tak pakai tangkal, tapi pakai sensor dan komputer.

Pak Long: Kalau AI ni pandai sangat, nanti kerja petani tak ada gunanya lah?

Pak Ngah: Eh, taklah Long. AI ni tolong buat kerja berat je. Macam kita dulu guna kerbau, sekarang pakai traktor. AI ni traktor versi pintar. Tapi kena ada orang bijak jugak jaga dia, kalau tak dia "lumpuh."

Amir: Kalau macam tu, lepas ni aku nak pasang AI kat bendang aku. Kalau AI tu pandai sangat, suruh dia halau burung pipit sekali. Asyik makan padi aku je!

Senario 3: Perbualan di Perkampungan Nelayan

(Watak: Pak Ali, Pak Jali, dan Din Tekong)

Pak Ali: Korang tahu tak, sekarang ada bot yang boleh gerak sendiri, pakai AI. Dia boleh cari ikan kat laut tanpa nelayan ikut pun.

Pak Jali: Lah, habislah kita kalau macam tu. Kalau AI pandai sangat, siapa nak makan nasi hasil titik peluh kita ni?

Din Tekong: Relaxlah, Jali. AI ni cuma tolong kita. Contohnya, kalau kau pasang sonar AI, dia boleh tunjuk kat mana ikan berkumpul. Tak payah kita main tebak je baling pukat.

Pak Ali: Tapi Din, kalau AI salah tengok, bawak kita pergi cari ikan duyung macam mana?

Din Tekong: Itu kau kena guna AI yang betul, Ali. Jangan main beli dari internet murah-murah. Nanti ikan tak dapat, bot kau pulak yang tenggelam!

Pak Jali: Hahaha, tapi aku takutlah kalau AI pandai sangat. Nanti dia buat keputusan sendiri. Silap-silap, dia bawak bot pergi Filipina terus!

Din Tekong: Hahaha, itu AI lari rumah namanya. Jangan risau. AI tu tetap kena ada otak manusia kawal. Dia takkan berfungsi kalau kita tak suruh.

Senario 4: Perbualan di Dusun Buah

(Watak: Wak Seman, Pak Teh, dan Amin)

Wak Seman: Tahu tak, sekarang ada AI yang boleh petik buah sendiri? Robot dia siap tahu mana buah durian yang matang, mana yang muda. Tak payah kita tunggu bawah pokok kena hempap.

Pak Teh: Seriuslah, Wak? Kalau ada benda tu, aku nak beli satu. Tak payah dah aku sakit pinggang panjat pokok manggis.

Amin: Eh, Wak. Kalau macam tu, robot tu tahu ke beza durian kampung dengan durian Musang King?

Wak Seman: Tahu, Amin. Dia siap boleh scan bau durian kau tu. Kalau Musang King, dia ambil. Kalau durian kampung, dia letak balik. Canggih kan?

Pak Teh: Tapi Wak, kalau AI pandai sangat, nanti dia tak nak kerja dengan kita, dia buat kebun sendiri macam mana?

Wak Seman: Hahaha, jangan takutlah Teh. AI ni tak boleh makan durian, tak ada tekak. Kau tak payah risau dia buka gerai jual durian.

Amin: Tapi Wak, kalau AI dah pandai, nanti kita malas. Semua benda serah kat robot. Jangan-jangan nanti AI tu robot jadi tuan kita!

Wak Seman: Itulah pasal kena kawal. AI ni ibarat parang tajam. Kalau kau pandai guna, kerja senang. Kalau tak, kau sendiri kena potong. Jadi, gunalah dengan bijak.

Nota: Gambar di jana oleh Microsoft Designer manakala dialog di jana oleh ChatGPT.



Dari perbualan di kedai kopi, sawah, perkampungan nelayan, dan kebun buah, kita dapat melihat bahawa AI (Kecerdasan Buatan) sebenarnya adalah alat yang dicipta untuk memudahkan kehidupan kita. Sama seperti penggunaan teknologi lain seperti traktor, sonar, dan mesin automasi, AI bertujuan untuk membantu manusia bekerja dengan lebih cekap, cepat, dan berkesan. Namun, ia tidak bermakna AI boleh menggantikan manusia sepenuhnya. Sebaliknya, AI masih memerlukan pemantauan, kawalan, dan keputusan manusia untuk berfungsi dengan baik.

Walau bagaimanapun, semua kelebihan ini datang dengan cabaran. AI bukan sahaja pandai melakukan tugas teknikal, tetapi ia juga semakin mampu membuat keputusan, memberi cadangan, malah mempengaruhi hasil sesuatu situasi. Justeru, ini membawa kita kepada persoalan besar: bagaimana kita memastikan AI selamat, beretika, dan tidak mendatangkan bahaya kepada manusia?


Friday, June 21, 2024



Ismail Al-Jazari was a polymath: a scholar, inventor, mechanical engineer, artisan, artist and mathematician from the Artuqid Dynasty of Jazira in Mesopotamia.'The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices' is a medieval Arabic book written by Ismail al-Jazari in the 12th century. 

It describes over fifty mechanical devices and automata, including clocks, water-raising machines, musical automatons, and humanoid robots. Al-Jazari provides detailed instructions for constructing each device and includes anecdotes and historical references. 

The book had a significant influence on the development of European clockmaking and automata, and it offers insights into daily life and technological innovations in the Islamic world during the medieval period. It's his book that influenced key concepts of modern-day robotics.


The book is accessible at


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

🚨 A Wake-Up Call for Pattern Approval in the Age of Automation

Recent news on the unfortunate incident involving a South Korean man and an industrial robot serves as a stark reminder of the importance of stringent controls and assessments for robotics and AI systems. It's not the first case, and the implications are clear—it's high time we prioritize the thorough evaluation of algorithms and safety measures to prevent potential disasters. The last thing we need is our technological advancements turning into a real-life Terminator scenario or a page out of The Matrix.

💡 Ensuring Safety in the Age of AI

As we accelerate into an era dominated by automation, the necessity of validating artificial intelligence and robots before their integration into real-world scenarios becomes increasingly apparent. The risks associated with overlooking this crucial step are far-reaching, impacting not only individuals but also the trust we place in these transformative technologies. It's not just a matter of compliance; it's about safeguarding lives and instilling confidence in the capabilities of the AI and robotic systems we deploy.

🌐✨ Empowering a Secure Tomorrow with SIRIM's Assurance

In our dynamic world embracing the swift rise of automation, SIRIM, leveraging the expertise of NMIM, assumes a central role in sculpting a future where innovation harmonizes effortlessly with safety. As we lament recent unfortunate incidents, it is incumbent upon us to collectively advocate for responsible and secure technological advancements. SIRIM stands at the forefront, equipped to deliver crucial evaluations and verifications. Through SIRIM's pattern approval certifications, we meticulously inspect, test, and validate both hardware and software algorithms. Our commitment is to ensure that these technologies are not only cutting-edge but also safe, reliable, and robust, adhering strictly to the ethical standards of AI. Together, let's pave the way for a future where robots and AI enrich our lives without compromising on safety.

#ai #artificialintelligence #patternapproval #sirim #nmim #aimalaysia #sirimdigitalfactory #TechSafetyLeadership #InnovationWithIntegrity 🚀🔐

S. Korean man killed by robot


Monday, February 6, 2023

Open source GIS software

1. QGIS: QGIS is a user-friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) licensed under the GNU General Public License. QGIS is an official project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). It runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, Windows and Android and supports numerous vectors, raster, and database formats and functionalities.

2. GRASS GIS: GRASS GIS, is an Open Source Geographic Information System providing powerful raster, vector and geospatial processing capabilities. It can be used either as a stand-alone application or as backend for other software packages such as QGIS and R or in the cloud. It is distributed freely under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). GRASS GIS is a founding member of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo).
3. OpenJUMP: OpenJUMP is an open source Geographic Information System (GIS) written in the Java programming language. It is developed and maintained by a group of volunteers from around the globe. OpenJUMP started as JUMP GIS designed by Vivid Solutions.

4. uDig:  he goal of uDig is to provide a complete Java solution for desktop GIS data access, editing, and viewing.

5. MapWindow GIS: The MapWindow GIS project includes a free and open source desktop geographic information system (GIS) with an extensible plugin architecture, a GIS ActiveX control, and C# GIS programmer library called DotSpatial.

6. gvSIG: gvSIG is a free and open-source GIS software that provides a range of functionalities for managing, analyzing and visualizing geographic data. It supports multiple file formats and provides advanced GIS analysis and visualization tools.

7. Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL): GDAL is a free and open-source software library for reading, writing and transforming geospatial data. It supports a wide range of data formats and provides a comprehensive set of geospatial processing tools.

8. Geoserver: Geoserver is a free and open-source software for publishing and managing geospatial data over the web. It supports a wide range of data formats and provides a user-friendly interface for managing and serving geographic data over the web.

Credit to Vikas Ghadamode

Friday, July 2, 2021

Windows 11 Insider - Taste of new Windows

I recently subscribed to be one of the Microsoft Insider Program to get the taste of new things from Microsoft. That happen after a friend of mine, whom are strongly supporter of OSS ad being promoting it share in his Facebook on the Windows 11 installation (of which he still unable to install it during this article is written here).
To those whom are interested to try, may browse it at Introducing Windows 11 | Windows Experience Blog

Rightly before you installed, you might wanna check you computer health by using the tools from Microsoft. Check it out here Check your device performance and health in Windows Security (

It will indicate weather you are using a PC that could withstand the power of Windows 11 or not.

Next - subscribe for Microsoft Insider Program and do windows update where you have he ability to update to Windows 11 Insider (as I did). If you are in the Microsoft Insider Program, just open the windows update setting. It will indicate that you are ready for windows 11. Click install or update button to start the Windows 11 installation.

And here is my experience using it...

The installation is much faster compared to previous windows family. It took me about an hour to download it (with my Unifi running at 30Mbps shared with 5 kids for their home-schooling). And then it perform necessary setup. It will took about 10 minutes to complete install (on Corei7 10th Gen Lenovo Yoga with 512GB SSD and 16GB RAM).

Upon started, you will see Windows 11 page (or like mines - pinky screen) before the login screen / lock screen appear as below. Pretty nice on the design and the image change every time you lock or startup your machine

Now, you can use password, pin number and if your machine has biometric capability, than you can login using fingerprint or face. I think it start from Windows 10.

Upon login, you will realize that Windows 11 would like you think it as multi-platform OS; meaning you can use it on Laptop, PC, phone and tablet. It also try to imitate Mac OS icon display.

Here is my toolbar

Your icon may be different than mine, but probably, the first 4 from left shall be the same

On click the first icon, window icon (I guessed), you will get to see the list of pre-install icon or apps that you already had. Kind of interesting, refreshing and modernize ways of browsing things. If you are familiar with Mac, this shall be your forte to search and find things

On search button, better than previous and clean interface

The third button is actually for you to have multiple windows which you can flip through. It is exactly similar to MacOS features. Once you add new desktop, it will behave exactly how you manage your Mac multiple desktop/screen. It is confusing at the beginning since the mouse pad on laptop was not design to behave like Mac OS handle multiple desktop.

The last new button on the toolbar is the widget button. Upon click on the button, you will get to see a list of widget appear on your left screen. I've yet to explore the widget, I think you can certain pre-defined widget

Finally, I would like to show the last changes (that I noticed since Window 10 and it was enhanced in Windows 11), the Setting button (previously we used to call Control Panel). Everything was done to harmonize the UIUX for windows on various platform. User will experience a seamless journey for using Windows on laptop, PC or mobile devices.

That's on the Look and Feel of which I rated 9/10. It was a significant improve from previous version, cleaner and refreshing modernize feeling. The only failure, from my perspective is the behavior which it tries to imitate Mac OS. It is almost there but not there yet. :)

By the way, no worries on other applications or tools installed earlier. Upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11 won't affect your software and you don't need to reinstall (not like previous OS, you may lost the registry and need to reinstall all software)

The Performance

Lets have a look on the performance of Windows 11. To ensure I'm not bias or wrongly judging it, here is the machine specs used
  • Lenovo Yoga S730 - SMIL Australian version (released in Australia)
  • Intel Core i7 10th Gen
  • 16GB RAM
  • 512 GB SSD
  • 2 Antivirus installed

Starting up / Reboot - Windows 10 is much more faster, but the difference is not that significant to me (approximately 3 seconds different)

Upon successfully login - Windows 10 is much more faster, but again, the differences is not that significant to user.

Using Edge - here where it start. Opening too many tabs on Edge in Windows 11 causing the memory to stood up eating about 50% of my memory. If you open other Microsoft software such as Teams and Outlook, you can feel that it has slowing down a bit. But for normal user, there won't be much difference that could cause you to lost patient. 

The vmmem previously was around 40%. However, in Windows 11, sometimes, it goes to more than 60%. Above is the image of my memory utilization. I have closed Teams and my edge only have 7 tabs. I do feel that Windows 11 yet to able to close properly any program and it takes time to close it.

Other Apps / software - Some of the apps, for instance GIMP (I'm using it for image processing), social media desktop apps, and even office are quite slow to open on the first time you trigger it. However, the time difference compared to Windows 10 is not that relevant for you to switch back.

Will I promote Windows 11?

My verdict, Go for it when it is officially release. Why? Despite the lagging (which not that significant), you will get an OS that is close to Mac (to Mac user), friendly to Linux and a clean windows interface which will improve your user experience, hence do the work better. I bet that they will improve for official release.

NOTE: Please make sure you are using SSD and at least 16GB RAM. Else, I would not suggest it. 

Ok. Have fun trying it. Adois

Haszeli :)


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Somewhere, Selangor, Malaysia
An IT by profession, a beginner in photography

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